Lab Packs
The removal and disposal of aged chemical inventories and laboratory wastes is a significant problem. And it is the subject of increasingly detailed state and federal regulations to protect the environment.

With our extensive resources and facility, we offer the most comprehensive lab services program available. It's a complete, turnkey service that, in fact, assumes responsibility for your waste disposal problems all in full compliance with EPA and DOT regulations.

Through our technical sales staff and supplier relationships, we provide specially trained professionals that can assist you to properly identify an "unknowns" label, package the chemicals, and prepare all shipping manifests and paper-work. Transportation will be provided by our approved list of vendors specializing in waste transportation. Wastes are then processed and disposed of through our network of fully permitted treatment/disposal centers.

We handle the paperwork for you. When our laboratory service personnel prepare records and environmental documents for you, you don't have to worry about paperwork errors or deadlines. And you won't waste the time and talents of your people on non-productive documentation. That's one more bothersome, time consuming job that we handle efficiently for you.